A Year by Year Breakdown
See your Apprentice develop new skills and experience year on year, ready to seamlessly fit into your team.
View the Government policy on Off the Job training requirements.
Year 1
Apprentices spend their first year at one of our Technical Centres learning core practical and theoretical elements of the role.
Employers are introduced to their MGTS Training & Development Adviser (TDA) who will support both the company and their apprentice for the duration of the programme.
Employers have the opportunity to attend a Mentoring Apprentices training course to help understand what skills and knowledge are required to support apprentice progression.
You will benefit from
- Apprentices develop the appropriate skills, knowledge and behaviours aligned to the job role
- Operating within a semi-industrial environment MGTS ensure that apprentices are work ready after Year 1
- Training at MGTS involves developing the necessary work ethics, communication and interpersonal skills and the importance of working to deadlines
- Opportunity to attend a Mentoring Apprentices Training course
Year 2
Apprentices return to the workplace to continue their learning whilst attending MGTS on a day release basis to complete the necessary educational requirements for the programme.
Employers select the next stage of training units of the apprenticeship programme with expert guidance from their TDA.
Apprentices complete the BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering.
Assessment commences to ensure that apprentices are on track to meet the requirements of the programme.
You will benefit from
- Apprentice returns to the workplace to implement their learning and actively contribute to the success of the business
- Expert advice and guidance from your TDA when selecting training units for further development in the role
- Ongoing TDA support for both apprentice and employer
Year 3
Learning continues within the workplace. The TDA will continue assessing apprentices to ensure that they are on track to meet the requirements of the programme. Where skill gaps are identified training plans will be developed and implemented in conjunction with the employer.
If potential is identified apprentices may commence HNC study.
You will benefit from
- Identification of any skill gaps to meet the requirements of the programme
- Advice and guidance on developing training plans
- Ongoing TDA support for both apprentice and employer
Year 4
Conclusion of Level 3 workplace competencies.
Apprentices will prepare for the End Point Assessment (EPA) with the support of their TDA.
If potential is identified apprentices may complete HNC study.
You will benefit from
- Apprentices are ready and prepared to undertake the EPA with a professional engineering institute
- Completion of Level 3 qualification and workplace training plan
- Completion of HNC study where applicable

Talk to Recruitment
Our Customer Engagement Team has a wealth of knowledge and experience in supporting companies with their apprentice recruitment journey.
024 7663 0333 recruitment@mgts.co.uk